Ryan Mulkan - Consultant, Districon Solutions APAC
"Design and simulate your flow for tomorrow"

As a kid, I grew up spending most of my time playing Lego bricks and city simulation games. I was captivated how Lego bricks triggers my creativity by its limitless build possibilities. At the same time, with simulation games, I enjoy having helicopter view of a complex system such as cities, airports, terminals, warehouse. I love seeing people & materials move and flow, how they adjust following changes and experimentation I made in the game.

My job at RHDHV-Districon also has these two aspects. Focusing on logistics center design & discrete event simulation study, I help clients to navigate around the endless list of logistics automation technology, assist them to find & design the best suited for their facility, and finally validate the design using discrete-event simulation approach. Oftentimes, my work is a combination of data analysis, mix&match of different technology available in the market, and also exploration of different operational strategies & scenarios. Therefore creativity and collaboration with client is very important. Having said so, I always look forward to learn about new logistics automation & robotization technology, and sparks innovation together with Districon colleagues for our clients.


  • Hold Master degree in Transport & Logistics Engineering from TU Delft, The Netherlands
  • Worked various roles, e.g., operations, planning, strategic, in leading logistics & e-commerce companies
  • Loves blues/rock music and plays acoustic & electric guitar
  • Dreams to have his own mechanical and wood workshop