On Monday 29 November, our consultants Martijn de Rond and Olaf Witsen gave a guest lecture at Wageningen University. 30 master students in Supply Chain Management were presented with a case in logistics.
"It's great to be back at my old university and to be able to talk about Districon's many projects and my role in them.” says Martijn enthusiastically. "The students are just about having their exams. So they already know all theory and it helps them to be able to apply the material.
The case is about how a retailer can better distribute the use of drivers during the week. This retailer has to deal with peaks in the weekend. How do you balance the workload during the week? How often is a shop delivered from a warehouse? And do you take into account the consequences of new corona measures? We asked them to make a model for the logistic flows on basis of which you can make a planning for the drivers.
The students were enthusiastic, as we could tell from the questions. They will work on the case in pairs, we are curious to see what surprising insights they will come up with! Of course, we also highlighted the opportunities for a graduation internship at Districon."
Would you like to know more about a graduation internship or the projects at Districon? Call or e-mail Martijn de Rond, he will be happy to tell you more.